How To Move From Desire To Action

How To Move From Desire To Action

In order to move from desire to action let me introduce you to a well known quote by Winston Churchill which states “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” 

In life, there are a lot of things around us that we learn from and observe. It is we who observe what is around us and long for things that become desires. Our Desire to action is less than the actual action that gives us credibility and makes us an asset in society.

Why do we need to put a solid emphasis on the action aspect of our life? The answer is quite simple. The more we act, the more we grow mentally, spiritually, and physically. When we grow, the minor and major parts of our lives take a hard turn towards something we call greatness.  

There are two types of people. 

1) The Thinkers 

The thinkers are people who may out their activities before executing them. The thinkers are more creatively inclined and like to plan things strategically. 

2) The Doers

Whereas, the doers are people who have the skill set to execute ideas. Some do it slowly, and some do it tremendously fast. However, the doers also have a subcategory known as passive doers. 

Passive doers act on impulse. One day they get a surge of energy to accomplish every dream of theirs and the next day forget everything.

So, what is it that people should do? Should people hustle every single day? Well no! For your betterment, here are the ways that you can adopt to move from desire to action.

Suggested read: Are You A Doer Or A Thinker?

Stick With People Who Are Better Than You

No plant ever grows without proper surroundings and a perfect environment. Even the greatest of talents will fade away without the proper care and extensive rigour that needs to be followed. 

Have you ever wondered how the great football giant, Cristiano Ronaldo, still makes the headlines for his splendid goals despite his age? It is because he has the guts to move desire to action. 

Stick with people who already are mentally, physically and financially better than you. This will always enable you to learn and observe what they do in real-time to grow as an individual. 

Plan Your Day Before You Sleep

No person will ever achieve their targets without planning. We have heard this from a lot of people, right? Well yes, the reason is that when we plan our activities, it stays with us in the subconscious mind. Those thoughts get reflected in your brain, making you complete the required day-to-day tasks.

It is always advised to plan your day one night before you go to bed. Write your activities on a paper or a board. Make sure the activities stay within your sight after you wake up. This will trigger a sense of responsibility in you and make you feel much more responsible for your tasks.

Energy Management 

Even the best of us struggle to maintain a strict schedule for long periods. We end up quitting what we initially plan. 

The desire to action fades away with time. One day we feel full of energy and we get determined to finish tons of work or activities in a certain amount of time.  Well, that is what we do wrong. Our body needs to rest to operate to its full potential. 

Let’s say you have 5 tasks planned for the day. Do not allocate time to it. Instead, just write the tasks and do what you wish to do first. 

Once you have completed your first task, take a thirty-minute break. In this break, do any sort of leisure activity that you enjoy or something that relaxes you such as listening to music. This will help you to be much more energetic to do the next task!

Read more: 5 Ways To Reduce Stress Levels

Make A Routine & Follow The Discipline

Create a routine and follow it regularly. Plan what you want to do during your day and utilise your time productively. Making a routine doesn’t necessarily mean planning every minute of your day.

Routine helps to bring discipline and discipline is one of the most important factors in order to move from desire to action. Motivation doesn’t last, but discipline does. Discipline is important as it helps us to focus on our goals and helps us to get organised with our routine.

Never Stop Learning

There is no person in the world who has the knowledge of everything. Take this fact to your advantage, each day focus on learning something new for self-improvement. Learn new skills that can be beneficial for you physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

No learning ever goes to waste, it makes you wiser. Read different books and gain knowledge on various topics that intrigue you, find out answers to your questions and do not focus on the result, focus on the learning experience. 

Always remember, to let yourself have some time where you can relax and interpret what actually you want to achieve in life. Some days you won’t be able to find the right answer and on some, you may not be able to ask questions too. That is okay. What one needs is to never settle down with mediocrity. 

The more questions you ask about your desire or your work. The more you strive to find answers. In that journey, you will learn so much about yourself and about what life actually is. 

Help yourself and help others. Be an asset to society so that your desire to action makes sense not just to you but the people around you. Thrive in pressure so that you silence the negative thoughts about quitting what you started. Stick with great people. Plan, manage and read and you will learn much more all by yourself.


The desire to act is the second part when we decide to do something good in our lives. The first is the desire itself. Remember that you don’t need to constantly hustle every minute of the day, as your body requires rest in order to perform at maximum capacity.

Keep in mind the points mentioned above and inculcate them in your daily life. Keep growing, keep learning, take sufficient rest, follow a routine, have discipline and plan your day well in advance in order to be productive consistently.


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